LCA Library
LCA Library, Nairobi
“Ours is not a reading culture”, we have heard many times from pastors and educators. True, but only half the truth! If you don’t have books available how can you be motivated to read?!
Anyone going for higher education will need to work his way through textbooks to graduate. Let’s be realistic: Smartphone education is often just ‘infotainment’ and can’t really take the place of studying a well-researched and carefully designed study guide or some scholarly volume.

With our newly refurbished, much extended Life Challenge Ministry Center, we are pleased to present our ministry-and-research-focused Reference Library to all Christians, churches and Christian ministries eager to be educated in understanding hidden people in Africa and beyond.
The Center is open Monday to Friday 8.30 to 4.30pm at our Nairobi office. Saturdays only on special arrangement. All books are catalogued with easy access on computer database. Excellent internet for research is available.
More Info
For more details on using our facilities please contact our office at +254 793 01016
We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God.
– John R.W. Stott