Life Challenge
Strategic Partners
“Loneliness kills”, said Canon Isaac A., a Ugandan partner who was the first one to sign an “Agreement of Cooperation” with us in 1989. A year later, Walter Eric, in a seminar for 40 Anglicans amplified the crucial difference between following a religion and entering into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Since then several other like-minded individuals and organizations across the continent – and later in India – embraced this vision to enter into a partner relationship with Life Challenge.
Even though Life Challenge began as an initiative to challenge Christians and churches in Africa, it has developed into an international network that goes beyond the continent of Africa. Several partners in India are passionately involved in reaching Muslim communities across that vast sub-continent. These partnerships are primarily for the purpose of encouragement, prayer, new ministry tools and training offers provided by Life Challenge and others. We regularly receive requests from partners for training and resources or they mobilize groups to come to our training modules.

As a part of the international structure of SIM (Serving In Mission), and with a unique focus on providing quality resources for outreach to Muslims, Life Challenge has developed links with partners worldwide in the task of mobilizing and training God’s people for outreach to the “house of Islam”. Since 1995, we have brought together key partners from throughout Africa (and India) every few years for week-long consultations where we all benefit from the insights and guidance of experienced hands-on resource people. At the same time, we also learn from one another and encourage each other in our mission and ministry. The partners network is an exciting demonstration of the Body of Christ working together to accomplish the Great Commission!
For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.
– Romans 12:4-5 NIV