The Golden Coin

KSh 100

Many Christians might feel afraid when they hear this most common call “A€llah-u-akbar”, but it simply means “God is great” and that is certainly in agreement with the message in God’s Word – Deut. 10:17; 2Sam. 7:22. This tract will certainly resonate with any Muslim reader. The hope is that they will want to find out more about this great God and continue their search with reading the book GOD ALMIGHTY by Lester Fleenor.

(These tracts are offered in packets of 50 each)



The Gold Coin that did not ring true

On the theme of False Confidence. “I trusted something that did not ring true.”

From the Storyteller Tracts – A series of five tracts, each one with a story set in the Middle East. The stories are timeless and take the Muslim reader into a situation from every-day life that catches the attention quickly. As the stories unfold, an important truth is being introduced in a captivating way. Each story is an excellent pre-evangelistic tool.