Daily Food for New Followers of Jesus

KSh 50

This 31-day Bible Reader teaches new believers to read, reflect and pray through some important issues in their lives and measuring their standards with the Word of God.

A downloadable PDF version of this book can be found under section 7. PDF Books on the resource page.



Daily Food for New Followers of Jesus

A5 size, 36 pages
This 31-day Bible Reader teaches new believers to read, reflect and pray through some important issues in their lives and measuring their standards with the Word of God. Each week takes up another question:

  • What happened when I became a Christian?
  • Now that I am a Christian what must I do?
  • Who cares about me? Is there no place that I can call home?
  • How can I know God better?
  • Jesus is so wonderful. How can I best serve Him?