Islam- Basic Aspects

KSh 600

Trainer’s Textbook I

A very comprehensive, well-documented textbook on most aspects of Islamic faith and practice. It critically evaluates and compares these with the Biblical teaching. An invaluable resource for any Islamic teacher, college lecturer, or serious student in comparative religion. (Volume 1 of 4 in the Teacher’s Training series)

A downloadable PDF version of this book can be found under section 7. PDF Books on the resource page.



Islam-Basic Aspects, Trainer’s Textbook I

Gerhard Nehls & Walter Eric, A5 book, 247 pages (also available in A4, ring-binding)

Ignorance shuts us out from others. It keeps us dumb. Ignorance separates neighbours. FIGHT IGNORANCE! This first book in the Trainer’s Textbook Series will give you confidence and provide answers to more issues than those you first thought of. As you work through these resource materials, you will be surprised about the information presented and convincingly documented from original sources.

Find out about:

  • The inside of a mosque
  • The Qur’an and its impact on Muslims
  • Muhammad’s life in Mecca and Medina
  • The faith and practice of the Muslim Community
  • Shariah, the status of women, their calendar & feasts…and much more