God Almighty

KSh 400

His Word for Christians, Jews and Muslims.

“radiates God’s love in Christ for Moslems in all its beauty. All issues between Islamic and Christian theology are handled with gracious skill; Quranic quotations lead to greater abundance of scriptural citations which open up God’s heart to Muslims.”

A downloadable PDF version of this book can be found under section 7. PDF Books on the resource page.



God Almighty, His Word for Christians, Jews and Muslims

Lester Fleenor A5, 2012, 188 pages

The author hails from Egypt, but served for over 40 years in Africa, Middle East and the Americas. Don McCurry observes that the book “radiates God’s love in Christ for Moslems in all its beauty. All issues between Islamic and Christian theology are handled with gracious skill; Quranic quotations lead to greater abundance of scriptural citations which open up God’s heart to Muslims.”
Many of your questions about “Who is Allah” in Islam will find a thoughtful response.