Sharing the Gospel with Muslims (PDF)

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A Handbook for Bible-Based Muslim Evangelism

Sharing the Gospel with Muslims takes the reader on a journey through the Bible, pointing out ways of effectively witnessing to Muslims. The basic approach is to compare the records about the prophets contained in both the Bible as well as the Qur’an. You could use this to study these topics together with a Muslim friend. As differences appear, opportunities will also arise to explain crucial aspects of the Gospel.


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Sharing the Gospel with Muslims, A Handbook for Bible-Based Muslim Evangelism

John Gilchrist, A5, 2003/ 2009, 160 pages
Sharing the Gospel with Muslims takes the reader on a journey through the Bible, revealing ways of effectively witnessing to Muslims from points of common ground between our respective faiths. It covers various Old Testament narratives and prophecies which foreshadow the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and shows you how to apply New Testament teachings about Jesus, namely His supreme saving grace for all mankind. This book is a biblical manual of resources for Muslim evangelism, enabling you to use the Lord’s most powerful instrument to reach Muslims with the Gospel and to draw them towards the only true Saviour of the world.

  • Discover the power of God’s word in ministering to Muslims
  • Learn how the most credible witness tool is your own life
  • Find support and encouragement in loving your Muslim neighbors
  • Learn about biblical characters from both a Muslim and Christian perspective
  • Offers practical methods of evangelizing filled with grace and truth