The Qur’an and the Historical Jesus

KSh 500

John Gilchrist shows in this book how the Qur’an acknowledges the Christian Jesus. At the same time, however, he also shows why the Qur’an in other ways misrepresents Jesus. This book convincingly exposes the Quranic Jesus as just a truncated caricature of the original Jesus, one no different to the other distorted versions of him found in apocryphal sources.



The Qur’an and the Historical Jesus

John Gilchrist, 158 pages.

The Qur’an defines Jesus as no more than a messenger of Allah, a prophet no different to those who preceded him. Nonetheless it attributes numerous unique features to him, such as his virgin birth, ascension to heaven and exclusive sinlessness. It also gives him specific titles that are attributed to no other prophet, such as al-Masih ( the Messiah), a Word from God and a Spirit from him. The unique titles and features are typical of the historical Jesus, the Jesus described in the four canonical gospels.

John Gilchrist shows in this book how the Qur’an, in conceding these unique features, unwittingly acknowledges the Christian Jesus. At the same time, however, he also shows why the Qur’an in so many other ways misrepresent Jesus. Drawing evidence from Arian, Gnostic and other apocryphal sources, Gilchrist shows how the Qur’an diminished him in much the same way as they had done. This book convincingly exposes the Quranic Jesus as just another truncated caricature of the original Jesus, one no different to the other distorted versions of him found in apocryphal sources.