Engaging Islam

KSh 600

Study Guide Edition

George Houssney brings a Middle Eastern perspective to Islam and missionary engagement among Muslims. His heart concern is that Muslim people as a whole will not be put into the ‘terrorism drawer’, but be seen individually as people created in God’s image, redeemable by the power of life in Christ.



Engaging Islam – Study Guide Edition

George Houssney,  240 pages

George Houssney brings a Middle Eastern perspective to Islam and missionary engagement among Muslims. His heart concern is that Muslim people as a whole will not be put into the ‘terrorism drawer’, but be seen individually as people created in God’s image, redeemable by the power of life in Christ. Born and raised in Lebanon, Houssney has more than  forty years of experience in evangelism and church planting among Muslims around the world. He is traveling widely as a renowned and quite entertaining speaker. You will find many of his personal stories in this book.

Topics Covered: Among the fifteen chapters describing Muslims, their religious life and identity, interacting with them, and comparing Islam and the Christian faith. I found his description of The Arab Character of Islam and The Art of Asking Questions especially insightful. But certainly Christ is seen central for our ministry to Muslims, see the chapters Jesus’ Model and Love as Jesus Loved. And he closes on a high note with a vision of hope: An Open Door that No One Can Shut.

Quote-worthy: His personal commitment: “Every summer for the next eight years I went door-to- door… from village to village. On foot we visited dozens of villages each month, eventually covering most of northeastern Lebanon.” On the importance of poetry for Arab interaction: “If you can find a proverb to support your point, you basically win the argument.”