Your Book and My Book

KSh 700

A Topical Comparison of the Qur’an with the Bible

This book is unique in that it lets the Bible and the Qur’an speak for themselves, instead of consulting the one or another opinion about these two books. Its topical order makes it easy to discover their similarities – but also their differences.



Your Book and My Book, A Topical Comparison of the Qur’an with the Bible

Gerhard Nehls, A5 size, 242 pages or B5 size, 354 pages

This Reference Book was put together in over 30 years of interaction with Muslims and their book, the Qur’an. Many topics are covered from both Scriptures which will serve both Christian students and Muslim seekers to a better understanding of God, Man, Sin, Salvation, Forgiveness, Jesus, Muhammad and many more subjects. The Appendix includes some 47 articles from The Names and Attributes of God to The Meaning of Sacrifices.