Trainings & Seminars
Trainings & Seminars
Do Muslims worship the same God as we do? Who was Muhammad? Is he a prophet like Moses, Isaiah or Jonah? Is their book, the Quran, more or less the same as our Old Testament? What are the similarities and the differences between their faith and ours? Prayer, fasting and charitable giving seem to be equally important for Christians as they are for Muslims: are they really understood by both religions in the same way?
Find the answers to these questions, and many more, at a Life Challenge training event.
Sep 23-27th, 2024
Bridging the Divide: Controversial Issues in Islam

Training Module – Controversial Issues in Islam
Dates: Sep 23rd-27th
Cost: 18.500 KSH
Life Challenge offers you this workshop to help you learn more about reaching Muslims and issues in the Muslim world.
Feb 19-23, 2024
Training to Trainers

Training of Trainers for Reaching Muslims
- Come get equipped to train others by acquiring relevant resources and knowledge in Muslim Evangelism.
- Enable learners to understand techniques involved in teaching Muslim Evangelism.
- Motivate learners with capability of teaching to practice these gifts by equipping others for service.
February 28 – March 30, 2025:
30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World

30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World is filled with photos and stories to help you learn about, love and pray for Muslim peoples. Join us and pray this Ramadan! Get a prayer guide, tell your friends, and help us bring 30 Days to more churches, small groups and families.
More Opportunities
We also have a variety of growth opportunities throughout thew year, including video-based training, book and media resources, Daughters of Abraham, and various seminars.
Distance Studies
Every Christian should be eager to learn about their Muslim neighbor and understand their religion – Islam. Here are three great offers for online, personal or group studies.
Books & Resources
Life Challenge is pleased to provide you with printed and digital literature and other media resources to help equip you for the task of impacting and discipling the Muslim world.
Daughters of Abraham
Africa-wide network of Christian women reaching their Muslim friends and neighbours with the love of Christ – training, equipping and mentoring for God’s Kingdom.
More About Life Challenge Training
Over the years, we have conducted numerous seminars in many countries across Africa. The courses give basic insights about the Islamic faith and practice and help provide good answers to these challenging questions about Islam and about our own faith. They also suggest very practical approaches and gospel concepts to engage Muslims. Most of these courses take place in local churches, universities, Bible colleges or conferences – wherever we have been invited. Teaching, films, workshops and a wealth of resources are being offered.
Contact us for more information or plan ahead to invite us to conduct a seminar for your church or fellowship.
For those who don’t have easy access to our Life Challenge Ministry Center, we offer the video series, Battle for the Hearts, a course which you can participate in online with your fellowship or church small group. We also offer distance learning courses using the book, Reach Out or the Learn & Share Training & Resource Book.
Check out our online and distance learning seminars.
Advanced Training & Training of Trainers (TOT)
Understanding the Qur’an
Muhammad in Mecca/Medina
Coming to Faith in Christ & Effective Discipling
Evangelism and Apologetics
And much more
These are some of the topics we have offered in weekend seminars to Christian workers and committed disciples of Christ.
In recent years, we have organised one-week modules with our overseas partners from The Lilias Trotter Center ( on a formerly unparalleled academic level.
During such a week of advanced teaching a wide range of training and evangelistic material is provided for each student. After successfully completing the module course, you will receive a certificate and have special access to our extensive resource library. You may also consider an internship with us and find us ready to give guidance for future ministry here or abroad.
We invite interested people who have gone through one of our seminars to a Training of Trainers (ToT) course. Material to help you is made available during the week. After completion, you will receive a certificate and be able to train others in Muslim evangelism. Churches, ministries and fellowships are encouraged to send a committed leader who in turn will train others.
Please get in touch with us if you want to register for upcoming Advanced Training or Training of Trainers (ToTs).
The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. The nearer we get to him, the more intensely missionary we become.
– Henry Martyn, missionary to India & Persia